Posts in Digital Nomad
Organize My SMALL Pantry With Me on a Budget: Using Avery Printable Stickers, Ikea Storage Jars & Amazon Pantry Door Rack || viaYuri

In this week's "week in the life" vlog, I show the behind-the-scenes life of a flight attendant! I take you along one of my flight attendant 3-day trips by showing you how I pack for a trip (both at home and at the hotel) AND share all my special travel meal prep gadgets, tips and tricks…

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Week in the Life of a Flight Attendant || GRWM, Flight Attendant Meal Prep Gadgets & Layovers Explained

In this week's "week in the life" vlog, I show the behind-the-scenes life of a flight attendant! I take you along one of my flight attendant 3-day trips by showing you how I pack for a trip (both at home and at the hotel) AND share all my special travel meal prep gadgets, tips and tricks…

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My Top 4 Favorite Travel Brands

I don’t know what it is, but I’m often curious about the products people really use. I mean, not what they say they use to keep up appearances but what they honestly tend to reach for on an everyday I’m in a hurry and don’t have time to think basis.

From travel accessories to gadgets to beauty and skincare, and even home and cleaning products, I can’t get enough of these types of videos, blog posts, and “behind the scenes” glimpses. Am I alone in this? I'm going to go out on a limb and say no.   

So what is it about knowing these seemingly trivial details about others? I guess it’s because it makes us feel human, or maybe it makes them - the people we watch & read & learn from online - feel more human to us.

Or maybe we’ve just all grown accustomed to social media telling us everything about everyone just about every second of the day. Yeah, that could be it too. 

Well in case you are curious,  I have a few posts and videos coming up about the travel products and essential items that I really use - starting with the video I have for you today that talks all about my favorite travel brands...

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How To Pack Light for Winter Travel: 7 Tips to Beat the Cold Weather 'Blues'

Ahh the cold weather blues. I don't know about you, but winter is my least favorite season. I hate to say it, but it's true. Less day light so my mood is more blue. If it snows/sleets/rains I stay inside while listening to the blues (well, jazz really). And freezing cold temperatures so my poor toes and fingers literally turn blue (p.s. if you live in a warm climate and you voluntarily travel to the cold... must be nice. All I got to say on that...).

Well there are some good things about winter. Hot chocolate by the fire (if you don't live in Korea like me), cuddling and getting cozy, cute winter boots, and winter sports! In the winter you can go tubing, snowboarding, skiing, while simultaneously falling gracefully (aka crashing) in the snow! It's a comfort to know that the joy of these activities can relieve your winter blues in a jiffy, especially if you're with good company and a few evening cocktails. So thinking about these things doesn't give me the blues, but sometimes thinking of the journey to get there does...

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